Monday, April 12, 2010

Not dead, still EFI, but no news today

I'm here in Lusaka, Zambia. Can't quite work up the energy to write blog posts just yet. Been a really long stretch since Llongwe: 700km+ in 5 days of riding, including a 200km day. Went to dinner and a movie last night, just like real people. I ordered ribs - turned out to be 3 racks of ribs, onion rings and fries. While I was in the bathroom, people bet on how long it would take me to finish eating it all. Turns out that I couldn't finish it at all.

In the meantime, you can enjoy this picture of the bone I used to dig a hole in the middle of Northern Kenya.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like something out of the Flinstones! Will an elephant trunk be washing your dishes?? Keep it up Dan- you're doing great!
