Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bahir Dar to Farm Camp

Distance: 161.39km
Ride time: 6:15
Climb: 1577m

Best thing: kilometres long descent.
Worst thing: eyes stop working.

Another nice day of rolling hills. The climbing was pretty consistent after the 60km mark to around 100, 110. After that, it was all downhill with a few little kickers. Once again, the scenery was spectacular. I'll try add some photos with this post, but internet here is slooow.

Some of the descents were kind of sketchy. Kids, donkeys, dudes with massive bundles of sticks on their backs plus a crosswind make for dicey moments at 65km/h. I chickened out and ended up braking.

I got hit by my first rock. Before now, the kids had aim too poor to hit me. Mine just bounced off my leg, so it was just kind of funny. One other guy just hit right in the chest at 65km/h so he has an awesome welt now. I did have a kid do a flying karate kid kick at me when I was on the drops. That freaked me out.

Rode with Stuart and Gizzy before lunch. After lunch, Stuart's sickness made him drop back and Gizzy was feeling strong, so she shot ahead. Good though, cause Gizzy was repaying her coke debts. So when I made it into camp, I had a nice cold coke waiting. Awesome.

About my eyes. Since I had eye surgery, dirt and smoke can make my left eye pretty blurry. Nothing serious, but it makes finding the finish flag a bit hard.

Everyone is looking forwards to doing the next mandatory day: the descent into then climb out of the Blue Nile Gorge. Should be an interesting day on the bike for me.

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