Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day Four - Sololo Camp to Lava Rock Camp

Distance: 84.5km
Ride time: 4:59

Best part: Boy Scouts' Coke Stop.
Worst part: Falling over. Again.

So, we have finally seen the bad stuff for Northern Kenya. It's bad, but it's not Dindir bad. The lava rocks are just like any other rocks. The first half of the day was actually pretty ok - corrugations and sand and occasional patches of rocks.

After the climb to lunch, we basically spent the next 40km descending. It sure didn't feel like that though. With the rocks out in full force and a bit of a head wind, it was hard going.

The best bit of the day was the coke stop just after lunch. Because I only had a 1000 stirling note, they didn't have enough change if I only bought the two drinks. This was pretty awesome though, because it meant that I had to buy a third coke. This was a great later on, because 10km before the end of the ride Gizzy and I cracked it out, sat in the shade underneath a tree and had a break. Ideal for a lazy day on the bikes.

The view from the first coke stop.

Dan's Camping Tip: If you see and kill a scorpion in the night, keep your shoes inside your tent over night. And keep your tent zipped up.

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