Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day Zero - Rest Day in Yabello

With so few amenities in town, the rest day was probably the most
relaxed yet. Couldn't do any internet, no internet. Couldn't do
washing, too rainy.

Stuart and I managed to find some snacks in a supermarket that hadn't
already been cleaned out. Oh yeah. The day before, a couple of the
unrepentant truck riders had planned to ride the truck all the way to
camp so that they could get into town early and get a jump on the
snacks. This pissed some of the other people off - one guy a whole lot
- but I think it is a fair trade for not getting to ride a bike. And
missing out on fried egg sandwiches the day before. But anyway, we got
enough snacks to last until the next rest day, and I got a bunch of
milk powder with additives for infants. To make sure that I don't fade

Talking of which. I weighed myself on a dodgy scale in town. 90kg.
Still pretty fat man for riding up hills. Ten percent loss in seven
weeks is pretty good though.

After getting snacks, we had a look around. We found some fried,
folded bread filled with lentils for breakfast, so we grabbed some of
those. We also found little coffee place, so we had some coffee and
watched the rain outside. Then we got more bread lentil things. Then
back to the hotel for second breakfast.

With the rain, the rest of the day followed the same theme. Back into
town for more meateronies and coffees (even awesome macciattos). Then
four plates of spaghetti for dinner.

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