Friday, January 29, 2010

Aswan to Wadi Halfa Ferry

So. In Egypt they have this thing called the Aswan Dam. It was pretty neat to ride across both dams, but that isn't the main reason that it exists. The main reason is so that they have a lake big enough to run the worst ferry service in the world.

It really does pull no punches. The cafeteria is infested with cockroaches. A pile of cigarette butts in the corner that the door opens across - if you can't see it when the door is open, it mustn't exist I guess. People spitting on the floor in the corridor. Bugs living under the mattresses. Stuff getting pilfered off the bikes on the deck. By the end of the journey one of the squatters blocked up (probably because some people on the tour still haven't worked out that you bin, not flush toilet paper here) and overflowed.

I felt pretty run down after spending most of two days and a night on the ferry.

Luckily, we found some pretty good food in Wadi Halfa, including some awesome spicy / curried potatoes, so that recharged my batteries for the 150, 150, and 109km days. So far, Sudan is a lot more laid back than Egypt. Everyone seems to be appreciating the lack of touts and other tomfoolery that got foisted on us in Egypt.


  1. FDA official results say you are a top ten rider - mostly only being beaten by canadians.

  2. Err, that should say 'TDA' - iPhone auto correction ftw.
