Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day Two - Desert Camp to Desert Camp

Kilometres riden: 383.3

This is the board we get each night at the rider meeting. Today was an easy day. We had a monster tailwind and smashed out the 160-odd k's with plenty of time to relax at camp.

Just kidding.

Completely contrary to expectations, we caught a huge, unrelenting headwind straight after lunch and spent the whole afternoon grovelling into it. This was definitely a hard day. By about 30km out we were suffering. The Egyptian riders that led out hard in the morning felt it even more. They stopped to fix a flat - a couple of kilometres later I saw them breeze past in the back of a ute. They caught a lift all the way to the water stop just before camp. They had worked pretty hard towing us in the morning though.

Jen, Jason and I tried to work together to spare ourselves from the wind a bit, but no configuration that we tried really helped.

The final hill of the day turned straight into the wind for a massive grind up the hill. So good to finally get into camp.

By far the hardest day I have ever done on a bike. Including coast trips that have gone all wrong.

Just to top off the night, there was a massive thunderstorm that night that made dinner a pretty wet affair.

Oh yeah. They have this thing here called the Red Sea.

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