Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Riding and Pyramids

Kilometers riden: 57.2

Boom. I have busted my riding in Egypt cherry. A bunch of powered down past Memphis and back to blow the cobwebs away. On the way, I was thinking how nice it would be turn around and get the wind at our backs. Well. Turns out that the wind was on our backs on the way down there. The other guys had actually riden on the road before, so we rolled around taking turns at the front and cranked out the return pretty fast.

After I took my turn pushing at the front, I pulled to the side and rolled to the back. The police following us in their car (oh yeah, I forgot to mention that) thought that made me pretty soft and pointed a few times for me to get back out the front. Luckily, years of sucking at riding has made me pretty good at miming being really tired and, well, bad at riding.

I saw all sorts of stuff riding. Mostly, it is strange riding past donkeys. Not something that you do every day back in Australia.

After sucking at riding, we took a cab out to the Pyramids. I have a photo of where I went for lunch to upload, so I won't spoil the surpise. We bought our tickets and went inside and straight away the guy I think of as the "wallet inspector" asked for our tickets and started powering away. He got really upset when I asked for them back: "what? you think we think that you are all millionaires and are after your money?" Pretty funny for a guy that was after our money.

The funniest trick the touts have is saying "Hey my friend you look Egyptian" and then they cram stuff in your arms then ask for money. After a while you get used to it and just laugh at them, but between those guys, the trash and the wallet inspector it really took shine off. The pyramids aren't a museum as much as a game preserve where the touts can hunt fat, waddling tourists.

In a proper country, I could have taken a helicopter around the pyramids and been back at the hotel to lounge around the pool. At least there is a sound and light show, so I will be able to rock out to Thunderstruck, Skyfire style.


  1. I guess there will be less touts once you're out of the cities and once your Indiana Jones hat is a bit better worn in.

  2. Lance Armstrong just sent a message out on his twittertrons inviting anyone that wanted to come, to come for a ride with him on Saturday morning (in Adelaide).

    Maybe Alys and Paul will go.
