Saturday, January 30, 2010

Life on Rest Days

Rest days have been pretty good so far. Normally the day before a rest day is a shorter day, so I get to the camp and set up before noon. Then there is a whole extra day where we don't have much to do except clean our bikes, tents, clothes and selves.

As I said (wrote) in an earlier post, we are resting up today in Dongola. I've spent most of my time finding and eating food. Breakfast was the last of our stash of Nutella and Nusa with some awesome bread that we found last night. Lunch was a couple of beef and vegetable rolls from a street stall, a whole watermelon, three mangoes and five bananas. Good stuff.

Yesterday's lunch was half a charcoal chicken, some pickled cucumber, normal cucumber and onion on a bed of rice. With bread.

Then dinner was a big banquet of meats, beans, bread and salad. One of the younger, slower guys was eating with the group and was loving cramming his hand into the food to load up his bread. Then explaining how he had had a bad stomach the last few days. Kids today. I wish they would just get off my lawn already and stop with all their street jive.

I spend the time between eating, which their isn't a lot of, reading, sitting around and looking for more snacks. For the last few days, I've been pretty hungry after getting off the bike and no amount of soup has been able to sate me. I found something that I hope will fill the gaps.

All in all, rest days are definitely something to look forward to.

Plans for riding into Khartoum are shaping up to be pretty hard going. We have 500 odd km to cover in 4 days. And one day will be short because we ride into the city under escort for part of the day. Could be another brutal stretch.


  1. Just watching TV here on a Sunday morning - we just saw the Women's MTB Nationals. Rowen Fry won but Heather Logie from ACT wearing a Bike Culture jersey and riding a super fly got 2nd, pretty awesome (it was her 5th ever MTB race).

  2. TDA offical results for Jan 30th have you coming 6th so far, and only 13 minutes off the lead - you sure you're not racing ?

    My advice: sit on the fastest guy's wheel, out sprint them at the end FTW.

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